NEW YORK, NY -- Following the success of the Emmy-winning series “Intervention,” A&E has created The Recovery Project, a multimedia and community based outreach program designed to raise awareness about addiction and how it is treatable and recovery is possible. A key component to the project are two moving TV spots featuring a powerful, anthemic score composed by Alex Lasarenko, Creative Director of music/sound design house Tonal.
''The goal of the spots is to show people who are suffering from alcohol and drug addiction that they are not alone, even though they may feel alone,'' Lasarenko says. ''Musically they wanted something that would symbolize that -- something that began very starkly with one instrument, but slowly builds into a larger sounding piece.''
In the spots, entitled ''Share'' (:60) and ''Lifetime'' (:30) we see vignettes of recovering addicts going through their daily lives while they talk about the positive changes in their lives thanks to recovery. The music begins with a simple piano melody that slowly incorporates more instrumental textures such as a soft acoustic guitar and bass. As the music swells to include a string section, drums and a more soaring, anthemic quality, the pace quickens with the subjects now holding signs indicating exactly how long they’ve been in recovery.
In an unusual move that speaks volumes about A&E and director Terence Wiliams’ trust in Lasarenko's musical instincts and how well he captured the emotions the spots are meant to evoke, Lasarenko recorded all of the music before the cameras even rolled. In fact the music, which features all live instruments, was played during the shoot to give the cast and crew inspiration.
''Terence and A&E gave us a lot of creative freedom,'' Lasarenko explains. ''Their only mandate was that the music should start simple and build to a big finish. I heard that several people involved with the project were moved to tears by the music, which makes us proud.”
About Tonal:
Founded in 2002 by award-winning composer/sound designer Alex Lasarenko, Tonal is a place where original music and ideas converge in an artistic environment. Clients ranging from advertising agencies, television networks, feature filmmakers and record labels have sought out Tonal for their distinct ability to craft memorable music no matter the genre. Located in the heart of Manhattan’s West Chelsea arts scene, the company’s offices are destination for artists and performers of all stripes from around the globe. For more information about the company contact Michelle Brunwasser at 212.255.4369 or michelleb@tonalsound.com.
Web Resources:
Click here to watch A&E’s The Recovery Project spots:
Click here for more info about Tonal
Click here for more info about The Recovery Project:
Creative Credits:
Client: A&E
Project: The Recovery Project -- “Share” (:60) and “Lifetime” (:30)
Agency: A&E in-house, New York
Production/Editorial: Bobs Your Uncle, New York
Director Terence Williams
Music: Tonal, New York
Creative Director/Composer: Alex Lasarenko
Executive Producer: Warren Wolfson
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